Dry ingredients:
* Baking Soda - 8 ounces
* Citric Acid - 4 ounces
* Corn Starch - 4 ounces
* Salts - 4 ounces (Dead Sea Salts or mineral salts)
Wet Ingredients:
* Water - .75 tbsp
* Essential or Fragrance Oil - 2 tsp
* Oil - 2.5 tbsp (any light vegetable oil will work)
* Food coloring - 1 or 2 drops. (Your color will look very dark in the emulsion, but will be light in the fizzies, so as to not leave rings around the tub.)
1. Blend the dry ingredients : Begin by putting all of your dry ingredients into a big bowl. Glass is best because it is non-reactive. Whisk or pestle those pesky clumps out. You want a fairly smooth consistency throughout the entire mix.
2. Mix liquid and blend dry and liquids together. Blend your wet ingredients together. I usually use a small jar and shake it up. Don't worry about separation too much, you are not going to get a full emulsion. Then, while whisking, slowly add small amounts of the liquid to your dry ingredients.
Try to avoid creating volcanoes : If the mixture starts to foam, you are adding the liquid too fast. Quickly whisk the reacting ingredients into the nonreactive part and you should be able to stop the reaction. I add about a teaspoon at a time. When all of the wet ingredients have been added, you should have a mixture with the consistency of slightly damp sand. It should clump together when you squish it.
3. Mold quickly : Once your mixture is together, you have a pretty limited amount of time in which to get it into molds. To create the giant Soapy Hollow ball of bath doom, I use round christmas tree ornaments that were designed to be filled with goodies. To do a three-dimensional bomb like these, you pack each side, then overfill a tad at the center and press the two sides together.
It takes a little practice to get a feel for how much filling you need, so don't get discouraged if your first couple fall apart.
4. Unmold and let dry : You don't need to leave them in the mold for very long, and in fact can tap them out as soon as you fill them. You can use all sorts of things to make your bombs; muffin tins, ice cube trays, candy molds.
This batch didn't make quite enough for five bombs, and the humidity levels made the batch start to puff up, so I quickly stuffed what was left of the batch into my "bath cookies" mold.
Note: When using things like silicon trays that surround the seltzer mix, or any mold with a lot of details, the mix must stay in the mold until dry, or it will crumble when you try to take it out.
5. Once they are completely dry, store bath bombs in an airtight container or bag. High humidity will make them activate. Because we used oil and water and no preservatives, you want to use them within about 6 months.
The strangest things can make a batch go weird; humidity, room temperature, oil viscosity, the moon rising in the seventh house of Aquarius . . . they are a mysterious wonder.
Essential oils can be found in small amounts at places like health food stores and craft stores often carry essentials and fragrances. Just make sure, if you buy fragrance oil, that you are buying "body safe" oils and not stuff for candles or oil warmers.
From : Instructables.com
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